Episode Synopsis: A retired lawyer, Thurman Cutler, is persuaded to get back into the courtroom to defend a robot, named Adam Link, who is on the stand facing murder charges. It is believed by the authorities that Adam has killed his creator, the great Dr. Charles Link. Believing Adam�s innocence, Cutler attempts to compare Adam to a child that has feelings and emotions, and is still developing. Adam was unaware of his own strength, and the death was just a tragic accident. The trial is going well until it is revealed that just prior to Dr. Link�s death Adam had read the novel Frankenstein. The innocent robot is found guilty and just before they escort him to his dismantlement, Adam breaks the bonds that restrain him, and rushes to push a child out of the way of an oncoming truck. He saves the child, but gets smashed to pieces in the process. Cutler states sardonically �that terrible monster won�t ever harm anybody again.�